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Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! They are to be made everywhere. Sometimes they could be as simple as deciding the flavor of ice-cream, and sometimes about deciding whether to move across the country or not.

We are always consciously or unconsciously making decisions as a part of our lives. However, a number of times, it becomes a daunting task. Have you ever tried to ask yourself why it is so difficult to make some decisions in life? If you are presented with two(or more) options, why is it so difficult to just pick one?

There are four areas of life where major decisions are made.

  • Academics
  • Career
  • Relationships
  • Financial

Do these decisions come in the same order in each one's life? Are these decisions independent of each other?

Absolutely not. These decisions are not confined to any age.Most of the time, you will find yourself dealing with two or more areas at any given point of time. And as such, these decisions are not always independent of each other either. A career decision might affect your relationship or an academic decision could affect your financial aspects.

However, you should understand the independent role of these areas of decisions in order to prioritize and make informed choices in life.

Academic Decisions

Academics plays a vital role in shaping and preparing us for our career ahead. There are so many streams to choose from today that picking one stream over another can seem like a natural decision for a few, but may not be so for others.

If we go back a few decades, the options were minimal and most people pursued education in the broad categories of science, arts, commerce, etc.If we go back a few decades, the options were minimal and most people pursued education in the broad categories of science, arts, commerce, etc. However, with emerging technology, there are a variety of opportunities each with their own specifications and requirements. A majority of students today face some difficulty in picking the right career path for themselves. If you happen to be one of them, please read on.

Why should you make informed decisions in your academics?

You can flip a coin to decide on the flavor of ice-cream. Can you do the same with your career? Academic decisions have long term consequences in your life and these decisions should never be taken impulsively, randomly or intuitively. They should always be well-thought-out. Informed decisions lead to focused and planned actions.

How to make informed Academic Decisions?

We agree it's difficult to choose one major over another. But, it's not impossible. The choices in academics could be many, but the one aspect to ponder about is if it truly aligns with your interests and leads you to success.

We suggest you try out the steps outlined below:

  • Google your way out of this: Gather every information there is about the streams or paths you would like to consider. You can visit university websites and read guides about every course you want to consider.
  • Start networking: Connect to people on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. Look for university alumni, relevant professionals and reach out to them with your questions.
  • Social Media Groups are your saviors: There are a number of relevant subject matter and university groups on social media where a ton of questions get answered. Remember, there are many people that once arrived at the same place and didn't know which path to choose.
  • Time for Pros and Cons : After you have gathered information from all sources, it's finally decision time! Take out that notebook, list your pros and cons, and assess what you think is the best decision to be made and what your path looks like going forward from there.

And Voila! You should now be ready to start on your new academic journey!


Book an appointment with a Career Counselor: A career counselor is someone who is up-to-date with the latest trends in every field of academics. A career counselor helps you bring out your interests and also assists you in aligning them with suitable career paths.

Crecers offers career counseling for anyone who is struggling to choose a path in academics.

All you need to do is just fill out a form and relax. We will reach out to you. With Crecers, you can rest assured that you are on your path to glory.

Click Here to book your counseling session today!